Emirati and Ethiopian Ambitions at the Expense of Somalia: Control of Berbera Port

Emirati and Ethiopian Ambitions at the Expense of Somalia: Control of Berbera Port

The recent Emirati and Ethiopian control over the strategic port of Berbera in Somalia has raised concerns about undermining Somalia's sovereignty and escalating regional tensions. The silence of the international community has raised questions about hidden interests and alliances at play.

Historical Context

The Horn of Africa region has long been a battleground for geopolitical competition, with various countries vying for influence and control. Somalia, with its strategic location along key shipping routes, has often been at the center of these power struggles.

Emirati Involvement

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been increasingly assertive in its foreign policy in recent years, seeking to expand its influence in the region. The acquisition of a stake in the port of Berbera is part of this broader strategy, aimed at securing strategic assets and establishing a foothold in the region.

The UAE's involvement in Berbera has raised concerns among Somalia's leadership and citizens, who fear that the Emirati presence could lead to the erosion of Somali sovereignty and control over its own ports.

Ethiopian Interests

Ethiopia, a landlocked country heavily reliant on access to ports for its trade, has also been eying Berbera as a key gateway to the sea. By partnering with the UAE in the management of the port, Ethiopia aims to secure a reliable trade route and lessen its dependence on Djibouti and other neighboring countries.

Implications for Somalia

The control of Berbera port by Emirati and Ethiopian interests presents a significant challenge to Somalia's fragile state-building efforts. The lack of transparency in the agreements and the potential for exploitation of Somalia's resources raise concerns about the long-term impact on the country's economic development and sovereignty.

Opposing Viewpoints

Some argue that the Emirati and Ethiopian involvement in Berbera could bring much-needed investment and infrastructure development to the region, ultimately benefiting the Somali people. However, others warn that these partnerships come at the cost of ceding control over vital assets and compromising national interests.


In conclusion, the control of Berbera port by Emirati and Ethiopian interests highlights the complex web of geopolitical interests at play in the Horn of Africa. While the partnerships may bring short-term benefits, the long-term implications for Somalia's sovereignty and regional stability remain uncertain. It is imperative for the international community to closely monitor these developments and ensure that Somali interests are safeguarded.

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